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Examining the influence of budget execution processes on the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya

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Public Financial Management (PFM) processes are a driver of health system efficiency. The budget execution process is the stage in the PFM cycle where health system inputs are translated into… Click to show full abstract

Public Financial Management (PFM) processes are a driver of health system efficiency. The budget execution process is the stage in the PFM cycle where health system inputs are translated into outputs and outcomes. This study examined how the budget execution process influenced the efficiency of county health systems in Kenya. We conducted a concurrent mixed methods case study using counties classified as relatively efficient (n=2) and relatively inefficient (n=2) in a related quantitative analysis as our cases. We developed a conceptual framework from a literature review to guide the development of tools and analysis. We collected qualitative data through document reviews, and in-depth interviews (n=70) with actors from health and finance sectors at the national and county level. We collected quantitative data from secondary sources, including budgets and budget reports. We analyzed qualitative data using the thematic approach and carried out descriptive analyses on quantitative data. The budget execution processes within counties in Kenya were characterized by poor budget credibility, cash disbursement delays, limited provider autonomy, and poor procurement practices. These challenges were linked to an inappropriate input mix that compromised the capacity of county health systems to deliver healthcare services, misalignment between county health needs and the use of resources, reduced staff motivation and productivity, procurement inefficiencies, and reduced county accountability for finances and performance. The efficiency of county health systems in Kenya can be enhanced by improving budget credibility, cash disbursement processes, procurement processes and improved provider autonomy.

Keywords: health systems; health; county health; budget; budget execution

Journal Title: Health Policy and Planning
Year Published: 2022

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