It is well known that estimating cosmological parameters from cosmic microwave background (CMB) data alone results in a significant degeneracy between the total neutrino mass and several other cosmological parameters,… Click to show full abstract
It is well known that estimating cosmological parameters from cosmic microwave background (CMB) data alone results in a significant degeneracy between the total neutrino mass and several other cosmological parameters, especially the Hubble constant H_0 and the matter density parameter $\Omega_m$. Adding low-redshift measurements such as baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) breaks this degeneracy and greatly improves the constraints on neutrino mass. The sensitivity is surprisingly high, e.g. adding the $\sim 1$ percent measurement of the BAO ratio $r_s/D_V$ from the BOSS survey leads to a limit $\Sigma m_\nu < 0.19$ eV, equivalent to $\Omega_\nu < 0.0045$ at 95\% confidence. For the case of $\Sigma m_\nu < 0.6$ eV, the CMB degeneracy with neutrino mass almost follows a track of constant sound horizon angle (Howlett et al 2012). For a $\Lambda$CDM + $m_\nu$ model, we use simple but quite accurate analytic approximations to derive the slope of this track, giving dimensionless multipliers between the neutrino to matter ratio ($x_\nu \equiv \omega_\nu / \omega_{cb}$) and the shifts in other cosmological parameters. The resulting multipliers are substantially larger than 1: conserving the CMB sound horizon angle requires parameter shifts $\delta \ln H_0 \approx -2 \,\delta x_\nu$, $\delta \ln \Omega_m \approx +5 \, \delta x_\nu$, $\delta \ln \omega_\Lambda \approx -6.2 \, \delta x_\nu$, and most notably $\delta \omega_\Lambda \approx -14 \, \delta \omega_\nu$. These multipliers give an intuitive derivation of the degeneracy direction, which agrees well with the numerical likelihood results from the Planck team.
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