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Inhalation and ingestion dose coefficients for the embryo and fetus from intakes of radionuclides by the mother are provided in the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 88 for… Click to show full abstract

Inhalation and ingestion dose coefficients for the embryo and fetus from intakes of radionuclides by the mother are provided in the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication 88 for intake of each of 74 radionuclides. To address the many other possible radionuclides to which workers may be exposed, effective dose coefficients were developed for the embryo/fetus for all additional radionuclides addressed in ICRP Publication 107 with half-life of 10 min or more. The general approach was to use the estimated dose to the mother's uterus during pregnancy as a scalable proxy for the dose to the embryo/fetus. The set of scaling factors used in the study was derived from analyses of the relationships of the dose to the mother's uterus and the effective dose to the embryo/fetus for the ~400 cases (considering two intake modes and multiple forms of many of the radionuclides) addressed in Publication 88.

Keywords: estimating prenatal; embryo fetus; coefficients estimating; dose pregnant; prenatal dose; dose

Journal Title: Radiation protection dosimetry
Year Published: 2020

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