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Objective: The year 2015 saw the continuation of Hungary's greatest and to date most comprehensive health screening program started in 2010. Design and method: The examinations - among them coronary… Click to show full abstract

Objective: The year 2015 saw the continuation of Hungary's greatest and to date most comprehensive health screening program started in 2010. Design and method: The examinations - among them coronary examinations - covered the fields of cardiology and hypertension, they took place in a specially furnished lorry. In the Program we measured blood pressure, pulse rate, calculated cardiovascular risk, plasma cholesterol, glucose and uric acid levels. Whole body analysis started with measuring height, weight, abdominal cirumference and waiste/hip ratio defining target body weight. Following the measurment of body fat and muscle content we decided the surface volume of the abdominal fat and calculated body mass index. Results: The examinations of the people at 2015 who have presented themselves for the at tests (n = 13205) have been evaluated. In the Program a total of 6896 (52.2%) women and 6309 (47.8%) men were tested at 332 locations. The average age of women was 41,8 years and that of the men was 40,1 years. Upon data processing with the help of a query the participants reported suffering from hypertension (1267 women and 1251 men). The average systolic blood pressure among women was in the normal range up to the age of 55 years and only moved to the pathological range from the age of 56 onwards. Among men stage 1 hypertension was the most frequent status for all age groups; blood pressures above 140/90 were measured for 39% of subjects from age 18 onwards. The distribution of this did not vary significantly with the increase of age. In case of simultaneous presence of obesity and hypertension (n = 2068), blood pressures above 140/90 Hgmm were 2 to 3 times more frequent for both sexes than without the presence of obesity. Conclusions: Thanks to the vast information obtained through the program a comprehensive picture has been drawn about Hungary's present health status not only on a regional or cross sectional level but as it was described in the program, too.

Keywords: age; program; comprehensive health; hypertension; health screening

Journal Title: Journal of Hypertension
Year Published: 2017

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