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Deodorant/antiperspirant use and hair removal practices for hidradenitis suppurativa: recommendations from a single-center survey

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Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that frequently affects the axillae. Axillae are also tar-geted for societal hygiene practices: namely, the use of deodor- ants and antiperspirants… Click to show full abstract

Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder that frequently affects the axillae. Axillae are also tar-geted for societal hygiene practices: namely, the use of deodor- ants and antiperspirants and techniques for hair removal. HS is associated with an increased risk of hyperhidrosis and female hirsutism due to polycystic ovarian disease, further increasing the impact of these practices on quality of life. 1,2 Patients with HS are often unsure how to appropriately target physiologi- cal body odor and hair removal without worsening their HS. A 1982 case-control study concluded simply that deodorant, shaving, and chemical depilatories are not causative of HS, 3 but little guidance beyond this is available for patients or their providers.

Keywords: hair removal; hidradenitis suppurativa; antiperspirant use; deodorant antiperspirant

Journal Title: International Journal of Women's Dermatology
Year Published: 2023

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