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Case report of periorbital metastasis from rectal cancer

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Abstract Introduction: Periorbital metastasis of colorectal cancer is rare. Therefore, herein, we report a patient with rectal cancer who presented with periorbital metastasis without any systemic metastasis. Patient concerns: The… Click to show full abstract

Abstract Introduction: Periorbital metastasis of colorectal cancer is rare. Therefore, herein, we report a patient with rectal cancer who presented with periorbital metastasis without any systemic metastasis. Patient concerns: The patient was a 57-year-old man who had a painless nodule on his left eyelid. Diagnosis: The patient presented with loose and frequent stools and was diagnosed with rectal adenocarcinoma via colonoscopic biopsy at the local clinic. Curative resection (low anterior resection with temporary ileostomy formation) was performed 4 weeks after completing chemoradiotherapy. The final TNM stage was yp stage T2N0M0. Eight months after the diagnosis of rectal cancer, a protruding lesion was noticed on the patient's left eyelid. Histologic evaluation of the nodule revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma of rectal cancer. Interventions: The patient received neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy and curative resection for rectal cancer. After excision of the periorbital nodule, he received 5 cycles of chemotherapy. Outcomes: The patient underwent regular follow-up because he was not able to endure chemotherapy; no recurrence has been observed 21 months after the diagnosis of rectal cancer. Histologic examination revealed metastatic adenocarcinoma of rectal cancer on the patient's left eyelid. However, consecutive imaging studies revealed no other metastatic lesions. Finally, the patient was diagnosed with a solitary periorbital metastasis of rectal cancer. Conclusion: This case report helps in understanding the course of progression from rectal cancer to periorbital metastasis.

Keywords: rectal cancer; report; cancer; periorbital metastasis; metastasis rectal

Journal Title: Medicine
Year Published: 2020

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