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Nonlocal correlations in a macroscopic measurement scenario

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Nonlocality is one of the main characteristic features of quantum systems involving more than one spatially separated subsystems. It is manifested theoretically as well as experimentally through violation of some… Click to show full abstract

Nonlocality is one of the main characteristic features of quantum systems involving more than one spatially separated subsystems. It is manifested theoretically as well as experimentally through violation of some local realistic inequality. On the other hand, classical behavior of all physical phenomena in the macroscopic limit gives a general intuition that any physical theory for describing microscopic phenomena should resemble classical physics in the macroscopic regime-- the so-called macro-realism. In the 2-2-2 scenario (two parties, each performing two measurements, each measurement with two outcomes), contemplating all the no-signaling correlations, we characterize which of them would exhibit classical (local-realistic) behavior in the macroscopic limit. Interestingly, we find correlations which at single copy level violate the Bell-Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt inequality by an amount less than optimal quantum violation (i.e. the Cirel'son bound $2\sqrt{2}$), but in the macroscopic limit gives rise to a value which is higher than $2\sqrt{2}$. Such correlations are therefore not considered as physical. Our study thus provides a sufficient criterion to identify some of unphysical correlations.

Keywords: macroscopic limit; scenario; nonlocal correlations; correlations macroscopic; macroscopic; macroscopic measurement

Journal Title: Physical Review A
Year Published: 2017

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