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Characterizing bulk-boundary correspondence of one-dimensional non-Hermitian interacting systems by edge entanglement entropy

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Dramatically different from the Hermitian systems, the conventional Bulk-Boundary Correspondence (BBC) is broken in the non-Hermitian systems. In this article, we use edge entanglement entropy to characterize the topological properties… Click to show full abstract

Dramatically different from the Hermitian systems, the conventional Bulk-Boundary Correspondence (BBC) is broken in the non-Hermitian systems. In this article, we use edge entanglement entropy to characterize the topological properties of non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger Hubbard model. For free Fermions, we study the scaling behavior of entanglement entropy and demonstrate that the edge entanglement entropy is a good indicator to delimit different phases of non-Hermitian systems. We further generalize the edge entanglement entropy to the non-Hermitian interacting Hubbard chain, and obtain the topological phase diagram in the plane of interaction and nonHermitian hopping amplitudes. It is found that the Hubbard interaction diminishes and weakens the breakdown of Bulk-Boundary Correspondence, which eventually disappears at some critical value of interaction.

Keywords: entanglement entropy; bulk boundary; edge entanglement; non hermitian; boundary correspondence

Journal Title: Physical Review B
Year Published: 2022

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