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Spin triplet ground-state in the copper hexamer compounds A2Cu3O(SO4)3(A=Na,K)

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The compounds A2Cu3O(SO4)3 (A=Na,K) are characterized by copper hexamers which are weakly coupled along the b-axis to realize one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chains below TN=3 K, whereas the interchain interactions along the… Click to show full abstract

The compounds A2Cu3O(SO4)3 (A=Na,K) are characterized by copper hexamers which are weakly coupled along the b-axis to realize one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chains below TN=3 K, whereas the interchain interactions along the a- and c-axes are negligible. We investigated the energy-level splittings of the copper hexamers by inelastic neutron scattering below and above TN. The eight lowest-lying hexamer states could be unambiguously assigned and parametrized in terms of a Heisenberg exchange Hamiltonian, providing direct experimental evidence for an S=1 triplet ground-state associated with the copper hexamers. Therefore, the compounds A2Cu3O(SO4)3 serve as novel cluster-based spin-1 antiferromagnets to support Haldane's conjecture that a gap appears in the excitation spectrum below TN, which was verified by inelastic neutron scattering.

Keywords: copper; triplet ground; a2cu3o so4; compounds a2cu3o; ground state; hexamer

Journal Title: Physical Review B
Year Published: 2018

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