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Any room left for technicolor? Holographic studies of NJL assisted technicolor

Photo by sarahdorweiler from unsplash

We use a holographic description of technicolor dynamics to study gauge theories that only break chiral symmetry when aided by a strong four fermion interaction. These Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) assisted technicolor… Click to show full abstract

We use a holographic description of technicolor dynamics to study gauge theories that only break chiral symmetry when aided by a strong four fermion interaction. These Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) assisted technicolor models provide examples of different dynamics from walking technicolor which can, by tuning, generate a light higgs like $\sigma$ meson. We compute the vector meson ($\rho$) and axial vector meson (A) spectrum for a variety of models with techni-quarks in the fundamental representation, enlarging the available parameter space over a previous analysis of walking theories. These predictions determine the parameter space of a low energy effective description where LHC constraints from dilepton channels have already been applied. Many of the models with low numbers of electroweak doublets still lie beyond current constraints and motivate exploration of new signatures beyond dilepton for LHC and a 100 TeV proton collider.

Keywords: technicolor; room left; technicolor holographic; assisted technicolor; left technicolor; njl assisted

Journal Title: Physical Review D
Year Published: 2020

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