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High precision numerical sequences of rotating hairy black holes

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We analyze numerically the existence of regular stationary rotating hairy black holes within the framework of general relativity, which are the result of solving the Einstein-Klein-Gordon system for a complex-valued… Click to show full abstract

We analyze numerically the existence of regular stationary rotating hairy black holes within the framework of general relativity, which are the result of solving the Einstein-Klein-Gordon system for a complex-valued scalar field under suitable boundary (regularity and asymptotically flat) conditions. To that aim we solve the corresponding system of elliptic partial differential equations using spectral methods which are specially suited for such a numerical task. In order to obtain such system of equations we employ a parametrization for the metric that corresponds to quasi-isotropic coordinates (QIC) that have been used in the past for analyzing different kinds of stationary rotating relativistic systems. Our findings are in agreement with those reported originally by Herdeiro \&Radu ite{Herdeiro2014,Herdeiro2015}. The method is submitted to several analytic and numerical tests, which include the recovery of the Kerr solution in QIC and the cloud solutions in the Kerr background. We report different global quantities that allow us to determine the contribution of the boson hair to the spacetime, as well as relevant quantities at the horizon, like the surface gravity. The latter indicates to what extent the hairy solutions approach the extremal limit, noting that for this kind of solutions the ratio of the angular momentum per squared mass $J_\infty/M^2_{\rm ADM}$ can be larger than unity due to the contribution of the scalar hair, a situation which differs from the Kerr metric where this parameter is bounded according to $0\leq |J/M^2| \leq 1$ with the upper bound corresponding to the extremal case.

Keywords: high precision; precision numerical; hairy black; numerical sequences; rotating hairy; black holes

Journal Title: Physical Review D
Year Published: 2023

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