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Dipole polarizabilities of light pseudoscalar mesons within the domain model of the QCD vacuum

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Dipole polarizabilities of light pseudoscalar mesons are calculated in the framework of the mean field approach to QCD vacuum and bosonization based on the statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous… Click to show full abstract

Dipole polarizabilities of light pseudoscalar mesons are calculated in the framework of the mean field approach to QCD vacuum and bosonization based on the statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous Abelian (anti-)self-dual gluon fields -- the domain model of QCD vacuum. In this approach, one derives a nonlocal effective action of meson fields which describes two-point correlation functions and all possible strong, weak and electromagnetic interactions of meson fields including their excited states. Specifically, the role of intermediate scalar meson fields in formation of the polarizabilities is addressed. Within the domain model, the propagators of scalar meson fields composed of light quark-anti-quark pairs have no poles at real momenta. It turns out that for charged pions and kaons, the contribution of intermediate scalar fields to polarizability is substantial, but not the largest one. The calculated polarizabilities are in reasonable agreement with COMPASS experimental data and results of Chiral Perturbation Theory.

Keywords: dipole polarizabilities; domain model; qcd vacuum; polarizabilities light

Journal Title: Physical Review D
Year Published: 2022

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