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Homoclinic orbit and the violation of the chaos bound around a black hole with anisotropic matter fields

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We study the homoclinic orbit and the violation of chaos bound, which are obtained by particle motions around a black hole that coexist with anisotropic matter fields. The homoclinic one… Click to show full abstract

We study the homoclinic orbit and the violation of chaos bound, which are obtained by particle motions around a black hole that coexist with anisotropic matter fields. The homoclinic one is associated with an unstable local maximum of the effective potential. By perturbing a particle located slightly away from the homoclinic one, we numerically compute Lyapunov exponents indicating the sensitivity of the initial value. Our results demonstrate that the violation of the chaos bound increases with higher angular momentum, and the anisotropic matter gives rise to violating the chaos bound further, even in the case of the nonextremal black hole. We utilize the Hamiltonian-Jacobi formalism to explicitly illustrate how the geodesic motion of a particle can be integrable in the procedure of obtaining our findings.

Keywords: chaos; violation chaos; black hole; chaos bound; anisotropic matter

Journal Title: Physical Review D
Year Published: 2023

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