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Revealing infinite derivative gravity’s true potential: The weak-field limit around de Sitter backgrounds

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General Relativity is known to produce singularities in the potential generated by a point source. Our universe can be modelled as a de Sitter (dS) metric and we show that… Click to show full abstract

General Relativity is known to produce singularities in the potential generated by a point source. Our universe can be modelled as a de Sitter (dS) metric and we show that ghost-free Infinite Derivative Gravity (IDG) produces a non-singular potential around a dS background, while returning to the GR prediction at large distances. We also show that although there are an apparently infinite number of coefficients in the theory, only a finite number actually affect the predictions. By writing the linearised equations of motion in a simplified form, we find that at distances below the Hubble length scale, the difference between the IDG potential around a flat background and around a de Sitter background is negligible.

Keywords: around sitter; derivative gravity; gravity true; infinite derivative; revealing infinite

Journal Title: Physical Review D
Year Published: 2018

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