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Gravitational waves and degrees of freedom in higher derivative gravity

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We study the degrees of freedom of the metric in a general class of higher derivative gravity models, which are interesting in the context of quantum gravity as they are… Click to show full abstract

We study the degrees of freedom of the metric in a general class of higher derivative gravity models, which are interesting in the context of quantum gravity as they are (super)renormalizable. First, we linearize the theory for a flat background metric in Teyssandier gauge for an arbitrary number of spacetime dimensions $D$. The higher-order derivative field equations for the metric perturbation can be decomposed into tensorial and scalar field equations resembling massless and massive wave equations. For the massive tensor field in $D$-dimensions we demonstrate that the harmonic gauge condition is induced dynamically and only the transverse modes are excited in the presence of a matter source. For the special case of quadratic gravity in four-dimensional spacetime, we show that only the quadrupole moment contributes to the gravitational radiation from an idealized binary system.

Keywords: gravitational waves; derivative gravity; waves degrees; degrees freedom; gravity; higher derivative

Journal Title: Physical Review D
Year Published: 2018

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