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Numerical estimates of square lattice star vertex exponents.

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We implement parallel versions of the generalized atmospheric Rosenbluth methods and Wang-Landau algorithms for stars and for acyclic uniform branched networks in the square lattice. These are models of monodispersed… Click to show full abstract

We implement parallel versions of the generalized atmospheric Rosenbluth methods and Wang-Landau algorithms for stars and for acyclic uniform branched networks in the square lattice. These are models of monodispersed branched polymers, and we estimate the star vertex exponents σ_{f} for f stars, and the entropic exponent γ_{G} for networks with comb and brush connectivity in two dimensions. Our results verify the predicted (but not rigorously proven) exact values of the vertex exponents and we test the scaling relation [B. Duplantier, J. Stat. Phys. 54, 581 (1989)JSTPBS0022-471510.1007/BF01019770]γ_{G}-1=[under ∑]f≥1m_{f}σ_{f}for several acyclic branched networks in two dimensions.

Keywords: square lattice; star vertex; vertex exponents; numerical estimates

Journal Title: Physical review. E
Year Published: 2021

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