For a generic class of machines with broken time-reversal symmetry we show that in the linear response regime the relative fluctuation of the sum of output currents for time-forward and… Click to show full abstract
For a generic class of machines with broken time-reversal symmetry we show that in the linear response regime the relative fluctuation of the sum of output currents for time-forward and time-reversed processes is always lower bounded by the corresponding relative fluctuation of the sum of input currents. This bound is received when the same operating condition, for example, engine, refrigerator, or pump, is imposed on both the forward and the reversed processes. As a consequence, universal upper and lower bounds for the ratio between fluctuations of output and input current are obtained. Furthermore, we establish an important connection between our results and the recently obtained generalized thermodynamic uncertainty relations for time-reversal symmetry-broken systems. We illustrate these findings for two different types of machines: (1) a steady-state three-terminal quantum thermoelectric setup in presence of an external magnetic field and (2) a periodically driven classical Brownian heat engine.
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