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Reconciling nonlinear dissipation with the bilinear model of two Brownian particles.

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The Brownian motion of a single particle is a paradigmatic model of the nonequilibrium dynamics of dissipative systems. In the system-plus-reservoir approach, one can derive the particle's equations of motion from… Click to show full abstract

The Brownian motion of a single particle is a paradigmatic model of the nonequilibrium dynamics of dissipative systems. In the system-plus-reservoir approach, one can derive the particle's equations of motion from the reversible dynamics of the system coupled to a bath of oscillators representing its thermal environment. However, extending the system-plus-reservoir approach to multiple particles in a collective environment is not straightforward, and conflicting models have been proposed to that end. Here, we set out to reconcile some aspects of the nonlinear and the bilinear models of two Brownian particles. We show how the nonlinear dissipation originally derived from exponential system-reservoir couplings can alternatively be obtained from the bilinear Lagrangian, with a modified spectral function that explicitly depends on the distance between the particles. We discuss applications to the contexts of anomalous diffusion and of hydrodynamic interactions. Our results thus broaden the applicability of the bilinear model.

Keywords: system; nonlinear dissipation; bilinear model; model; two brownian; brownian particles

Journal Title: Physical review. E
Year Published: 2022

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