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Itinerant-Electron Magnetism: The Importance of Many-Body Correlations.

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Do electrons become ferromagnetic just because of their repulsive Coulomb interaction? Our calculations on the three-dimensional electron gas imply that itinerant ferromagnetism of delocalized electrons without lattice and band structure,… Click to show full abstract

Do electrons become ferromagnetic just because of their repulsive Coulomb interaction? Our calculations on the three-dimensional electron gas imply that itinerant ferromagnetism of delocalized electrons without lattice and band structure, the most basic model considered by Stoner, is suppressed due to many-body correlations as speculated already by Wigner, and a possible ferromagnetic transition lowering the density is precluded by the formation of the Wigner crystal.

Keywords: many body; itinerant electron; body correlations; electron magnetism

Journal Title: Physical review letters
Year Published: 2020

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