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A Workpiece Localization Method for Robotic De-Palletizing Based on Region Growing and PPHT

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Aiming at the problem that the robot de-palletizing task is difficult to accomplish under unstable ambient light, a two-step method is proposed to realize the localization of workpieces, which in… Click to show full abstract

Aiming at the problem that the robot de-palletizing task is difficult to accomplish under unstable ambient light, a two-step method is proposed to realize the localization of workpieces, which in this work are woven bags. To begin with, Region Growing method is used to extract the whole target region in the original image, and the relationship model between image intensity and the optimal Region Growing threshold is established. Then, Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform(PPHT) is used to locate each woven bag. To improve the system performance, the optimal parameters of the PPHT function in different illumination intervals are determined. Finally, experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. Experiment results demonstrate this method is robust and feasible.

Keywords: region; localization method; workpiece localization; region growing; method robotic

Journal Title: IEEE Access
Year Published: 2020

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