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Demonstration of 6 $\times$ 10-Gb/s MIMO-Free Polarization- and Mode-Multiplexed Transmission
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$6\times 10$ Gb/s polarization- and mode-multiplexed transmission, without MIMO equalization, is experimentally demonstrated over a 200-m elliptical core few-mode fiber with two PANDA stress rods. This fiber simultaneously breaks the… Click to show full abstract
$6\times 10$ Gb/s polarization- and mode-multiplexed transmission, without MIMO equalization, is experimentally demonstrated over a 200-m elliptical core few-mode fiber with two PANDA stress rods. This fiber simultaneously breaks the degeneracies in space and polarization in a mode group. A polarization extinction ratio of <−16 dB and loss <0.63 dB/km were achieved.
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