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History of the Marching Cubes Algorithm

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The Marching Cubes paper by Bill Lorensen and Harvey Cline, “Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm,” was published at SIGGRAPH 1987.1 According to Google Scholar, their paper… Click to show full abstract

The Marching Cubes paper by Bill Lorensen and Harvey Cline, “Marching Cubes: A High Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm,” was published at SIGGRAPH 1987.1 According to Google Scholar, their paper has 15,667 citations (as of January 17, 2020), the most highly cited paper in computer graphics. Sadly, while writing this article Bill Lorensen passed away on December 12, 2019. Origins Department Editor Chris Johnson contributed the text in italics. EARLY

Keywords: cubes algorithm; history marching; marching cubes; paper

Journal Title: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
Year Published: 2020

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