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Magnetic Septa for the SIS100 Accelerator at FAIR

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The future heavy ion synchrotron SIS100 will have a series of two dc magnetic septa for the injection and three dc septa on the extraction line. The extraction line will… Click to show full abstract

The future heavy ion synchrotron SIS100 will have a series of two dc magnetic septa for the injection and three dc septa on the extraction line. The extraction line will allow for two different extraction schemes for vertical fast extraction and initially horizontal slow extraction. The latter requires, among other components, two additional Lambertson-type septa. The design of the magnets had to account not only for creating a high field with a narrow septum width, but also had to find way of providing bakeout jackets while limiting the technicians’ exposure to radiation. Another issue was to minimize the chance of failure, e.g., by limiting the number of soldered joints with contact to the cooling channels and by reducing the current density with help of wedge-shaped conductors. The injection septa are under construction while some design work is still in progress for the extraction septa. We will present some of our solutions and concepts.

Keywords: extraction; magnetic septa; accelerator fair; septa sis100; sis100 accelerator; septa

Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
Year Published: 2018

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