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Asynchronous Sampled-Data Controller Design for Switched Markov Jump Systems and Its Applications

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This article is dedicated to design asynchronous aperiodic sampled-data controller for a class of Markov jump systems with switching transition rate. The sampling controller corresponding switching transition rate matrix mode… Click to show full abstract

This article is dedicated to design asynchronous aperiodic sampled-data controller for a class of Markov jump systems with switching transition rate. The sampling controller corresponding switching transition rate matrix mode is not synchronized with the system corresponding switching transition rate matrix mode due to the possible switching of the transfer rate matrix in the sampling interval. With the help of T–S fuzzy models, the state-space representation of the system is turned into a fuzzy Itô stochastic switched Markov jump systems. By constructing novel Lyapunov functionals, mean square exponential stability criteria, and dissipativity criteria are presented. Furthermore, an asynchronous aperiodic sampled-data controller is designed for fuzzy Itô stochastic Markov jump systems. At last, by fuzzing the nonlinear tunnel diode circuit model and nonlinear mass-spring-damper mechanical model, the effectiveness and lower conservativeness of the proposed method are illustrated.

Keywords: markov jump; jump systems; data controller; sampled data

Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
Year Published: 2023

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