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Stochastic Computing Max & Min Architectures Using Markov Chains: Design, Analysis, and Implementation

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Max & min architectures for stochastic computing (SC) are introduced. Their key characteristic is the utilization of an accumulator to store the signed difference between the two inputs, without randomizing… Click to show full abstract

Max & min architectures for stochastic computing (SC) are introduced. Their key characteristic is the utilization of an accumulator to store the signed difference between the two inputs, without randomizing sources. This property results in fast-converging and highly accurate computations using short sequence lengths, improving on the latency–accuracy tradeoff of existing SC max–min architectures. The operation of the proposed architectures is modeled using Markov Chains, resulting in in-depth analysis, the derivation of their statistical properties, and guidelines for selecting the register’s size to achieve overall design optimization. The computational accuracy and the hardware requirements of the proposed architectures are compared to those of existing ones in the SC literature, using MATLAB and Synopsys Tools. The efficacy of the proposed architectures is demonstrated by realizing a $3 \times 3$ median filter and using it in an image processing application.

Keywords: max min; stochastic computing; min architectures; using markov

Journal Title: IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems
Year Published: 2021

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