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Peter the great and cataract surgery

Photo by impulsq from unsplash

Tsar Peter Alekseyevich Romanov (1672–1725), often called Peter the Great, modernized Russia in many areas, including in the field of medicine. Peter I attended medical lectures and demonstrations and may… Click to show full abstract

Tsar Peter Alekseyevich Romanov (1672–1725), often called Peter the Great, modernized Russia in many areas, including in the field of medicine. Peter I attended medical lectures and demonstrations and may have even performed some medical procedures himself. In Paris, he witnessed a cataract couching performed by Englishman John Thomas Woolhouse (1664–1733/4) and requested that Woolhouse train a Russian student in ophthalmology.

Keywords: peter great; medicine; great cataract; peter; cataract surgery

Journal Title: Acta Ophthalmologica
Year Published: 2019

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