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A local agreement pattern measure based on hazard functions for survival outcomes.

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Assessing agreement is often of interest in biomedical and clinical research when measurements are obtained on the same subjects by different raters or methods. Most classical agreement methods have been… Click to show full abstract

Assessing agreement is often of interest in biomedical and clinical research when measurements are obtained on the same subjects by different raters or methods. Most classical agreement methods have been focused on global summary statistics, which cannot be used to describe various local agreement patterns. The objective of this work is to study the local agreement pattern between two continuous measurements subject to censoring. In this article, we propose a new agreement measure based on bivariate hazard functions to characterize the local agreement pattern between two correlated survival outcomes. The proposed measure naturally accommodates censored observations, fully captures the dependence structure between bivariate survival times and provides detailed information on how the strength of agreement evolves over time. We develop a nonparametric estimation method for the proposed local agreement pattern measure and study theoretical properties including strong consistency and asymptotical normality. We then evaluate the performance of the estimator through simulation studies and illustrate the method using a prostate cancer data example.

Keywords: local agreement; agreement; agreement pattern; measure based

Journal Title: Biometrics
Year Published: 2018

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