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Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody associated disease: about the importance of diagnostic assays and selection of the target population in retrospective studies

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A. Cobo-Calvo , A. Ruiz and R. Marignier Service de neurologie, scl erose en plaques, pathologies de la my eline et neuro-inflammation, Centre de r ef erence pour les maladies… Click to show full abstract

A. Cobo-Calvo , A. Ruiz and R. Marignier Service de neurologie, scl erose en plaques, pathologies de la my eline et neuro-inflammation, Centre de r ef erence pour les maladies inflammatoires rares du cerveau et de la moelle (MIRCEM), Hôpital Neurologique Pierre Wertheimer Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon; and Lyon’s Neuroscience Research Center, U1028 INSERM, UMR5292, CNRS, FLUID Team, Lyon, France

Keywords: glycoprotein antibody; myelin oligodendrocyte; associated disease; antibody associated; oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; disease importance

Journal Title: European Journal of Neurology
Year Published: 2019

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