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The role of environmental factors in allergy: A critical reappraisal

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Allergies are usually referred to as type I hypersensitivity reactions against innocuous environmental antigens, characterized by a Th2/IgE‐dominated inflammation. They can manifest themselves in various organs, such as skin, gastrointestinal… Click to show full abstract

Allergies are usually referred to as type I hypersensitivity reactions against innocuous environmental antigens, characterized by a Th2/IgE‐dominated inflammation. They can manifest themselves in various organs, such as skin, gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, and comprise diseases as diverse as allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, oral allergy syndrome, food allergy, urticaria and atopic eczema, but also anaphylactic shock. Within the last decades, there was a significant global increase in allergy prevalence, which has been mostly attributed to changes in environment and lifestyle. But which, among all factors discussed, are the most relevant, and what are the mechanisms by which these factors promote or prevent the development of allergic diseases? To answer this, it is necessary to go back to the two key questions that have occupied allergy researchers for the last decades: Firstly, what makes an allergen an allergen? Secondly, why are more and more individuals affected? Within the last decade, we have made considerable progress in answering these questions. This review gives an overview over scientific progress in the field, summarizes latest findings and points out future prospective and research needs.

Keywords: environmental factors; factors allergy; allergy critical; critical reappraisal; role environmental

Journal Title: Experimental Dermatology
Year Published: 2018

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