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Identifying more targeted antimicrobials active against selected bacterial phytopathogens

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Phytopathogens are a global threat to the world’s food supply. The use of broad‐spectrum bactericides and antibiotics to limit or eliminate bacterial infections is becoming less effective as levels of… Click to show full abstract

Phytopathogens are a global threat to the world’s food supply. The use of broad‐spectrum bactericides and antibiotics to limit or eliminate bacterial infections is becoming less effective as levels of resistance increase, while concurrently becoming less desirable from an ecological perspective due to their collateral damage to beneficial members of plant and soil microbiomes. Bacteria produce numerous antimicrobials in addition to antibiotics, such as bacteriocins with their relatively narrow activity spectra, and inhibitory metabolic by‐products, such as organic acids. There is an interest in developing these naturally occurring antimicrobials for use as alternatives or supplements to antibiotics.

Keywords: antimicrobials active; selected bacterial; bacterial phytopathogens; identifying targeted; targeted antimicrobials; active selected

Journal Title: Journal of Applied Microbiology
Year Published: 2022

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