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A brief history of the multi-use Theater form

Photo by neom from unsplash

Multi-use theatres provide communities with a venue to accommodate almost any performance type that requires a stage. The advent of structural steel, mechanical ventilation, and amplifications systems are a few… Click to show full abstract

Multi-use theatres provide communities with a venue to accommodate almost any performance type that requires a stage. The advent of structural steel, mechanical ventilation, and amplifications systems are a few advances of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that have given shape to the multi-purpose theater; how have they shaped the form we see today?Multi-use theatres provide communities with a venue to accommodate almost any performance type that requires a stage. The advent of structural steel, mechanical ventilation, and amplifications systems are a few advances of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries that have given shape to the multi-purpose theater; how have they shaped the form we see today?

Keywords: brief history; use; form; multi use; theater

Journal Title: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Year Published: 2017

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