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The Effect of Age and Fall History on Lower Extremity Neuromuscular Function During Descent of a Single Transition Step.

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Despite the higher injury rate of falls on steps versus level ground, few studies have examined the influence of age and fall history on step descent. The purpose of this… Click to show full abstract

Despite the higher injury rate of falls on steps versus level ground, few studies have examined the influence of age and fall history on step descent. The purpose of this study was to determine the lead and trail limb neuromuscular function (peak joint moments and powers, electromyographic activity) differences between young females (n = 15) and older females with (n = 15) and without (n = 15) a fall history while descending a single step. Trail limb moments and powers did not differ between groups. Lead limb sagittal plane powers at the hip and knee were greater in the young adults. Electromyographic co-activation levels (knee and ankle) were not significantly different between groups. However, peroneal activation was greater in the older groups, which may have assisted in stabilizing the ankle joint in lieu of increased co-activation at the ankle. These results demonstrate consideration of step descent is important in working with older women at risk of falls.

Keywords: age fall; fall history; step; descent

Journal Title: Journal of aging and physical activity
Year Published: 2022

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