increased severity and intermittent fasciculation in the right thenar muscles. There of diabetes, hypothyroidism or other systemic diseases. Examination revealed a positive carpal tunnel compression test and mild wasting of… Click to show full abstract
increased severity and intermittent fasciculation in the right thenar muscles. There of diabetes, hypothyroidism or other systemic diseases. Examination revealed a positive carpal tunnel compression test and mild wasting of abductor pollicis brevis (APB) consistent with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). The Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire Symptom Severity Score (BCTQ- SSS) was 3.73, and Functional Severity Score (FSS) was 3. Electrodiagnostic testing showed severe right CTS and fibrilla-tions in APB. Ultrasonography of the carpal tunnel and median nerve showed a bifid median nerve (BMN) at the wrist along with pulsating persistent median artery (PMA) in the centre on both sides. The combined median nerve cross-sectional area (CSA) at the wrist and PMA diameter were 11.5 mm 2 and
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