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‘A Unique opportunity to test things out’: a qualitative study of broad-based training in Scotland

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Objectives A recent review recommended UK postgraduate medical education should produce doctors capable of providing general care in broad specialties across a range of different settings. Responding to this, broad-based… Click to show full abstract

Objectives A recent review recommended UK postgraduate medical education should produce doctors capable of providing general care in broad specialties across a range of different settings. Responding to this, broad-based training (BBT) was introduced in Scotland in 2018 to provide postgraduate trainees with a grounding in four specialties. Introduced as an option for trainees after initial postgraduate ‘Foundation’ training, it comprises 6 months in general medicine, general practice, paediatrics and psychiatry. This study addresses two key BBT outcomes. It examines how successful BBT is in developing trainees who perceive they are able to work beyond traditional specialty boundaries to care for patients with complex, multifactorial healthcare needs. Second, it explores how well BBT prepares trainees for their next stage in training. Design A longitudinal qualitative study using semistructured interviews to collect data from BBT trainees, trainers and ‘programme architects’. Fifty-one interviews were conducted, 31 with trainees (with up to three interviews per trainee across BBT and immediately afterwards (post-BBT)) and 20 with trainers. Data were subject to thematic analysis. Results Two overarching themes were identified: (1) trainees able to work beyond specialty boundaries and (2) preparation for the next stage in training. BBT trainees were able to see the links and overlap between different specialties and understand the interface between primary and secondary care. They did not perceive that BBT (as compared with single-specialty early-stage training) disadvantaged them, other than in terms of specialty examination preparation. BBT was seen as a way to keep career options open in a system where it is difficult to switch training pathway. Conclusions BBT has the capacity to create doctors who will carry on using their generalist skills to care for patients more holistically, even if they end up working in focused practice areas. BBT helps to keep options open for longer, which is beneficial in a highly structured training environment.

Keywords: broad based; training; qualitative study; bbt; based training

Journal Title: BMJ Open
Year Published: 2023

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