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Interaction between gravitational radiation and electromagnetic radiation

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In this review paper, we investigate the connection between gravity and electromagnetism from Faraday to the present day. The particular focus is on the connection between gravitational and electromagnetic radiation.… Click to show full abstract

In this review paper, we investigate the connection between gravity and electromagnetism from Faraday to the present day. The particular focus is on the connection between gravitational and electromagnetic radiation. We discuss electromagnetic radiation produced when a gravitational wave passes through a magnetic field. We then discuss the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with gravitational waves via Feynman diagrams of the process [Formula: see text]. Finally, we review recent work on the vacuum production of counterpart electromagnetic radiation by gravitational waves.

Keywords: radiation electromagnetic; electromagnetic radiation; radiation; electromagnetism; gravitational radiation; interaction gravitational

Journal Title: International Journal of Modern Physics D
Year Published: 2019

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