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Numerical study of chronic hepatitis B infection using Marchuk-Petrov model.

In this work, we briefly describe our technology developed for computing periodic solutions of time-delay systems and discuss the results of computing periodic solutions for the Marchuk-Petrov model with parameter… Click to show full abstract

In this work, we briefly describe our technology developed for computing periodic solutions of time-delay systems and discuss the results of computing periodic solutions for the Marchuk-Petrov model with parameter values, corresponding to hepatitis B infection. We identified the regions in the model parameter space in which an oscillatory dynamics in the form of periodic solutions exists. The respective solutions can be interpreted as active forms of chronic hepatitis B. The period and amplitude of oscillatory solutions were traced along the parameter determining the efficacy of antigen presentation by macrophages for T- and B-lymphocytes in the model.. The oscillatory regimes are characterized by enhanced destruction of hepatocytes as a consequence of immunopathology and temporal reduction of viral load to values which can be a prerequisite of spontaneous recovery observed in chronic HBV infection. Our study presents a first step in a systematic analysis of the chronic HBV infection using Marchuk-Petrov model of antiviral immune response.

Keywords: petrov model; marchuk petrov; hepatitis infection; infection

Journal Title: Journal of bioinformatics and computational biology
Year Published: 2023

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