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MR Imaging-based Multimodal Autoidentification of Perivascular Spaces (mMAPS): Automated Morphologic Segmentation of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces at Clinical Field Strength.

Photo by glenncarstenspeters from unsplash

Purpose To describe a fully automated segmentation method that yields object-based morphologic estimates of enlarged perivascular spaces (ePVSs) in clinical-field-strength (3.0-T) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data. Materials and Methods In… Click to show full abstract

Purpose To describe a fully automated segmentation method that yields object-based morphologic estimates of enlarged perivascular spaces (ePVSs) in clinical-field-strength (3.0-T) magnetic resonance (MR) imaging data. Materials and Methods In this HIPAA-compliant study, MR imaging data were obtained with a 3.0-T MR imager in research participants without dementia (mean age, 85.3 years; range, 70.4-101.2 years) who had given written informed consent. This method is built on (a) relative normalized white matter, ventricular and cortical signal intensities within T1-weighted, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, T2-weighted, and proton density data and (b) morphologic (width, volume, linearity) characterization of each resultant cluster. Visual rating was performed by three raters, including one neuroradiologist, after established single-section guidelines. Correlations between visual counts and automated counts, as well session-to-session correlation of counts within each participant, were assessed with the Pearson correlation coefficient r. Results There was a significant correlation between counts by visual raters and automated detection of ePVSs in the same section (r = 0.65, P < .001; r = 0.69, P < .001; and r = 0.54, P < .01 for raters 1, 2, and 3, respectively). With regard to visual ratings and whole-brain count consistency, average visual rating scores were highly correlated with automated detection of total burden volume (r = 0.58, P < .01) and total ePVS number (r = 0.76, P < .01). Morphology of clusters across 28 data sets was consistent with published radiographic estimates of ePVS; mean width of clusters segmented was 3.12 mm (range, 1.7-13.5 mm). Conclusion This MR imaging-based method for multimodal autoidentification of perivascular spaces yields individual whole-brain morphologic characterization of ePVS in clinical MR imaging data and is an important tool in the detailed assessment of these features. © RSNA, 2017 Online supplemental material is available for this article.

Keywords: perivascular spaces; enlarged perivascular; field strength; multimodal autoidentification; clinical field; imaging based

Journal Title: Radiology
Year Published: 2018

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