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Intelligent Recommendation Model of Contemporary Pop Music Based on Knowledge Map

With the advent of the era of big data, the rise of Web2.0 completely subverts the traditional Internet model and becomes the trend of today's information age. Simultaneously, massive amounts… Click to show full abstract

With the advent of the era of big data, the rise of Web2.0 completely subverts the traditional Internet model and becomes the trend of today's information age. Simultaneously, massive amounts of data and information have infiltrated various Internet companies, resulting in an increase in the problem of information overload. In the online world, learning how to quickly and accurately select the parts we are interested in from a variety of data has become a hot topic. Intelligent music recommendation has become a current research hotspot in music services as a viable solution to the problem of information overload in the digital music field. On the basis of precedents, this paper examines the characteristics of music in a comprehensive and detailed manner. A knowledge graph-based intelligent recommendation algorithm for contemporary popular music is proposed. User-defined tags are described as the free genes of music in this paper, making it easier to analyze user behavior and tap into user interests. It has been confirmed that this algorithm's recommendation quality is relatively high, and it offers a new development path for improving the speed of searching for health information services.

Keywords: information; music; recommendation; intelligent recommendation; knowledge; model

Journal Title: Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Year Published: 2022

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