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The Hub Genes Related to Osteoporosis Were Identified by Bioinformatics Analysis

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Osteoporosis (OP) is commonly encountered, which is a kind of systemic injury of bone mass and microstructure, leading to brittle fractures. With the aging of the population, this disease will… Click to show full abstract

Osteoporosis (OP) is commonly encountered, which is a kind of systemic injury of bone mass and microstructure, leading to brittle fractures. With the aging of the population, this disease will pose a more serious impact on medical, social, and economic aspects, especially postmenopausal osteoporosis (PMOP). This study is aimed at figuring out potential therapeutic targets and new biomarkers in OP via bioinformatics tools. After differentially expressed gene (DEG) analysis, we successfully identified 97 upregulated and 172 downregulated DEGs. They are mainly concentrated in actin binding, regulation of cytokine production, muscle cell promotion, chemokine signaling pathway, and cytokine-cytokine receiver interaction. According to the diagram of protein-protein interaction (PPI), we obtained 10 hub genes: CCL5, CXCL10, EGFR, HMOX1, IL12B, CCL7, TBX21, XCL1, PGR, and ITGA1. Expression analysis showed that Egfr, Hmox1, and Pgr were significantly upregulated in estrogen-treated osteoporotic patients, while Ccl5, Cxcl10, Il12b, Ccl7, Tbx21, Xcl1, and Itga1 were significantly downregulated. In addition, the analysis results of Pearson's correlation revealed that CCL7 has a strong positive association with IL12b, TBX21, and CCL5 and so was CCL5 with IL12b. Conversely, EGFR has a strong negative association with XCL1 and CXCL10. In conclusion, this study screened 10 hub genes related to OP based on the GEO database, laying a biological foundation for further research on new biomarkers and potential therapeutic targets in OP.

Keywords: genes related; hub genes; osteoporosis; analysis; il12b

Journal Title: BioMed Research International
Year Published: 2023

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