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Subsequence in the Pauline Epistles

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Paul encourages every believer to experience a bestowal of the Spirit’s power that is theologically, and usually chronologically, distinct from the gift of the Spirit received at conversion. Paul typically… Click to show full abstract

Paul encourages every believer to experience a bestowal of the Spirit’s power that is theologically, and usually chronologically, distinct from the gift of the Spirit received at conversion. Paul typically describes this post-conversion infusion of spiritual power with the noun χάρισμα (“gift”). Paul speaks of this experience as “the gift of God” (2 Tim 1:6), “the gift in you” (1 Tim 4:14), and a “spiritual gift” (Rom 1:11), and the result of this empowering experience with simply the term gift (1 Cor 12). Thus Paul, like Luke, also highlights the need for each believer to experience a post-conversion infusion of spiritual power for ministry.

Keywords: subsequence pauline; gift; power; paul; pauline epistles; experience

Journal Title: Pneuma
Year Published: 2017

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