An anthology of twenty-three essays by well-published biblical scholars, grouped under five headings: text and canon; historical background; methods and approaches; subcollections and genres (e.g., “The Pentateuch and Israelite law”;… Click to show full abstract
An anthology of twenty-three essays by well-published biblical scholars, grouped under five headings: text and canon; historical background; methods and approaches; subcollections and genres (e.g., “The Pentateuch and Israelite law”; “The Former Prophets and historiography”); and reception and use (e.g., “The Hebrew Bible in Judaism”; “The Hebrew Bible in art and literature”). The two editors have chosen topics and contributors wisely. Though of diverse religious affiliations, they are able to “engage productively in biblical scholarship together” (3). As the editors note, some newer approaches and methods are not represented in the volume, e.g., contextual or “advocacy” approaches such as feminist, African American, Native American, Hispanic/Latino/a, and Asian, and interdisciplinary perspectives such as postcolonial hermeneutics. Some essays are detailed surveys of scholarship such as Richard Nelson on the Former Prophets and historiography. Thomas Dozeman introduces Anglophone readers to the important contributions of Continental scholars to the Pentateuch and Israelite law. Another valuable contribution is Larry Wills’s “The biblical short story,” and Marvin Sweeney’s “The Latter Prophets and prophecy.” Brent Strawn’s “The history of Israelite religion” functions as a prolegomenon, surveying the study of religion and then discussing three issues important for the discipline: sources, locus (“official” versus “popular” religion) and content (“theology” or “practice/ritual”). Especially welcome is David Lyle Jeffrey’s excellent “The Hebrew Bible in art and literature.” This Companion is first-rate, basic yet wide ranging, suitable for pastors, advanced college and seminary students, and even professors.
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