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Consistency in Single-Case ABAB Phase Designs: A Systematic Review.

Photo by 90angle from unsplash

The current article presents a systematic review of consistency in single-case ABAB phase designs. We applied the CONsistency of DAta Patterns (CONDAP) measure to a sample of 460 data sets… Click to show full abstract

The current article presents a systematic review of consistency in single-case ABAB phase designs. We applied the CONsistency of DAta Patterns (CONDAP) measure to a sample of 460 data sets retrieved from 119 applied studies published over the past 50 years. The main purpose was to (a) identify typical CONDAP values found in published ABAB designs and (b) develop interpretational guidelines for CONDAP to be used for future studies to assess the consistency of data patterns from similar phases. The overall distribution of CONDAP values is right-skewed with several extreme values to the right of the center of the distribution. The B-phase CONDAP values fall within a narrower range than the A-phase CONDAP values. Based on the cumulative distribution of CONDAP values, we offer the following interpretational guidelines in terms of consistency: very high, 0 ≤ CONDAP ≤ 0.5; high, 0.5 < CONDAP ≤ 1; medium, 1 < CONDAP < 1.5; low, 1.5 < CONDAP ≤ 2; very low, CONDAP > 2. We give examples of combining CONDAP benchmarks with visual analysis of single-case ABAB phase designs and conclude that the majority of data patterns (41.2%) in published ABAB phase designs is medium consistent.

Keywords: single case; phase; abab phase; condap; consistency; phase designs

Journal Title: Behavior modification
Year Published: 2019

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