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Excision of a giant lung bulla in a child: Repair of bronchial leaks using redundant bullous wall/membrane

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Large lung bullae are rare in children. We report a rare case of a large bulla in the right lung causing compression of the underlying lung with a shift of… Click to show full abstract

Large lung bullae are rare in children. We report a rare case of a large bulla in the right lung causing compression of the underlying lung with a shift of the mediastinum to the contralateral side. Excision of the bulla was done and a novel technique was used in the repair of bronchial air leakage sites with part of the bullous wall/membrane. The patient recovered well with re-expansion of the underlying collapsed lung.

Keywords: wall membrane; bullous wall; lung; bulla; excision; repair bronchial

Journal Title: Asian Cardiovascular and Thoracic Annals
Year Published: 2022

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