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Corporate governance, market conditions and investors’ reaction to information signals

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We examine and compare the extent to which the reaction of investors to earnings announcements is influenced by a firm’s governance profile and prevailing market conditions. We find that firms… Click to show full abstract

We examine and compare the extent to which the reaction of investors to earnings announcements is influenced by a firm’s governance profile and prevailing market conditions. We find that firms with better governance characteristics experience a larger initial reaction to both good and bad earnings announcements regardless of the prevailing sentiment and uncertainty conditions. However, the influence of governance is constrained to the announcement period. We demonstrate that changes in market uncertainty and/or investor sentiment are related to the post-earnings announcement drift. We also find that a major channel through which greater corporate governance influences the market response to unexpected earnings news is by lowering information uncertainty and so providing greater clarity of the implication of the news for firm value. Finally, we establish that two types of uncertainties (market and information) have very different influence on investor’s response to information signals. JEL Classification: D81, G10, G14, G30, G32

Keywords: market conditions; governance; corporate governance; market; information signals

Journal Title: Australian Journal of Management
Year Published: 2023

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