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Some entropy-related properties of thermoelastic materials

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Non-classical thermoelastic materials are studied in the framework of continuum thermodynamics. Using “Part I” of the second law of thermodynamics in the classical formulation of continuum thermodynamics, the existence of… Click to show full abstract

Non-classical thermoelastic materials are studied in the framework of continuum thermodynamics. Using “Part I” of the second law of thermodynamics in the classical formulation of continuum thermodynamics, the existence of the entropy function for various classes of non-classical thermoelastic materials is established. Also, a function known as the internal rate of production of entropy is defined for the classical and non-classical thermoelastic materials and is subsequently used to obtain a balance law for the entropy. Finally, using the Clausius inequality as “Part II” of the second law of thermodynamics, some results regarding the constitutive response functions for the thermoelastic materials are obtained.

Keywords: entropy related; classical thermoelastic; thermoelastic materials; thermodynamics; non classical; related properties

Journal Title: Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids
Year Published: 2022

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