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Medical training for police officers in specialist role (D13): A retrospective review of patient report forms from 2010–2015

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Introduction D13 is a nationally agreed bespoke medical training package for specialist firearms police officers introduced in 2010. Patient report forms are completed after every episode of care provision. Methods… Click to show full abstract

Introduction D13 is a nationally agreed bespoke medical training package for specialist firearms police officers introduced in 2010. Patient report forms are completed after every episode of care provision. Methods A review of patient report forms submitted by police firearms officers in five regions of England over the five years since the introduction of D13. Results Officers attended a large range of incidents, both traumatic and medical, minor and life critical. The majority (69.5%) were responded to as part of a normal police response, while 30.5% of cases were due to primary firearm deployments. Catastrophic haemorrhage was dealt with in 8.1% of cases including the use of haemostatic dressings and tourniquet application. Airway interventions were required in 36.1% of patients and 50.4% required interventions for external bleeding. Discussion From a background of a minimum of 18 h for Standard and 24 h for Enhanced courses and with regular simulation refreshers, specialist police officers, who are part of a robust clinical governance process, play an important role in providing immediate medical care in non-permissive or dangerous environments where ambulance personnel will not be present and when the officers are frequently first on scene.

Keywords: police; patient report; police officers; d13; report forms

Journal Title: Trauma
Year Published: 2018

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