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Risk perception in newspaper chains: Threats, uncertainties and corporate boundary work

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This article presents an analysis of risk perception among chain newspaper CEOs in Scandinavia. Based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews, the analysis finds that risk is perceived in relation to public… Click to show full abstract

This article presents an analysis of risk perception among chain newspaper CEOs in Scandinavia. Based on in-depth, semi-structured interviews, the analysis finds that risk is perceived in relation to public trust, corporate expansion and contentious government regulation. We discuss these themes in relation to their uncertainty, and the potential gains and losses that accompany them. The aim of the study is to sharpen the distinction between risks, uncertainties and threats as they are mobilized in research on the news industries, contributing to the research on strategic media management at the firm level. The contribution of the study is furthermore to demonstrate how CEOs’ risk perception can be seen as boundary work performed at the corporate level.

Keywords: boundary work; risk perception; risk; newspaper

Journal Title: Journalism
Year Published: 2021

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