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Cognitive function and inhaler technique following recovery from exacerbations of COPD

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Persons with COPD are at elevated risk of cognitive impairment. Cognitive deficits may be more common in those with very low lung function [1], in those requiring supplemental oxygen [2]… Click to show full abstract

Persons with COPD are at elevated risk of cognitive impairment. Cognitive deficits may be more common in those with very low lung function [1], in those requiring supplemental oxygen [2] and during hospitalisations for acute exacerbations [3]. Cognitive impairment is also associated with poor medication adherence and inhaler technique [4]. However, cognitive function is not currently assessed as part of routine management of COPD. The effect of cognitive function on inhaler technique and COPD-related healthcare use such as hospitalisations or emergency department (ED) visits is not well known. To investigate this, we conducted a prospective observational study of cognitive function and inhaler technique among patients with COPD at high risk of increased healthcare utilisation by virtue of having a recent acute severe COPD exacerbation.

Keywords: function inhaler; function; inhaler technique; cognitive function

Journal Title: ERJ Open Research
Year Published: 2023

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