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Simulated patient and role play methodologies for communication skills and empathy training of undergraduate medical students

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Background Verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as empathy are central to patient-doctor interactions and have been associated with patients’ satisfaction. Non-verbal communication tends to override verbal messages. The aim… Click to show full abstract

Background Verbal and non-verbal communication, as well as empathy are central to patient-doctor interactions and have been associated with patients’ satisfaction. Non-verbal communication tends to override verbal messages. The aim of this study was to analyze how medical students use verbal and non-verbal communication using two different educational approaches, student role play (SRP) and actor simulated patient (ASP), and whether the non-verbal behaviour is different in the two different poses. Methods Three raters evaluated 20 students playing the doctor role, 10 in the SRP group and 10 in the ASP group. The videos were analyzed with the Calgary-Cambridge Referenced Observation Guide (CCG) and, for a more accurate evaluation of non-verbal communication, we also evaluated signs of nervousness, and posture. Empathy was rated with the CARE questionnaire. Independent Mann Whitney U tests and Qhi square tests were performed for statistical analysis. Results From the 6 main tasks of the CCG score, we obtained higher scores in the ASP group for the task ‘Gathering information’ ( p  = 0.0008). Concerning the 17 descriptors of the CCG, the ASP group obtained significantly better scores for ‘Exploration of the patients’ problems to discover the biomedical perspective’ ( p  = 0.007), ‘Exploration of the patients’ problems to discover background information and context’ ( p  = 0.0004) and for ‘Closing the session – Forward planning’ ( p  = 0.02). With respect to non-verbal behaviour items, nervousness was significantly higher in the ASP group compared to the SRP group ( p  < 0.0001). Concerning empathy, no differences were found between the SRP and ASP groups. Conclusions Medical students displayed differentiated verbal and non-verbal communication behaviour during the two communication skills training methodologies. These results show that both methodologies have certain advantages and that more explicit non-verbal communication training might be necessary in order to raise students’ awareness for this type of communication and increase doctor-patient interaction effectiveness.

Keywords: medical students; communication; verbal communication; group; non verbal

Journal Title: BMC Medical Education
Year Published: 2020

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