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Net survival of sarcomas according to anatomic, histology and genomic profiles in population-based cancer registries in France.

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e13593Background: Sarcomas are a group of heterogeneous and rare malignant neoplasms occurring in any anatomical site characterized by various histological subtypes. Because survival is rarely described according to histology and… Click to show full abstract

e13593Background: Sarcomas are a group of heterogeneous and rare malignant neoplasms occurring in any anatomical site characterized by various histological subtypes. Because survival is rarely described according to histology and genomic profiles, this study aimed to provide estimates of the net survival (NS) of sarcomas using the WHO classification of soft tissue and bone published in 2013. Methods: Data were collected in 14 French population-based cancer registries covering 11% of the French population. We included all incident sarcoma patients older than 15 years of age between 2005 and 2010 followed up to 30th June 2013. Net survival rates were estimated using the Pohar-Perme method for anatomic, histology and genomic sarcoma profiles. Results: During the study period 4,406 patients with sarcomas were diagnosed. As expected, NS declined with increasing age at diagnosis. Women and men had comparable survival. According to anatomic profiles, large disparities in term of 5-year NS were observed which ran...

Keywords: sarcomas; net survival; histology; population; survival; histology genomic

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical Oncology
Year Published: 2018

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